Mario Frei, the Italian footballer who ran in the middle of the field in support of Iranian women in the World Cup in Qatar, also appeared in the protest gathering of Iranians in Italy.
With the help of athletes who support the Iranian people, we must expel the Islamic Republic from everywhere.
ماریو فری، فوتبالیست ایتالیایی که در مسابقات جام جهانی قطر در حمایت از زنان ایران وسط میدان مسابقه‌ دوید، در تجمع اعتراضی ایرانیان در ایتالیا نیز حاضر شد
با کمک ورزشکاران حامی مردم ایران باید جمهوری اسلامی را از همه جا اخراج کنیم


Now #zahedan
The latest video of the installation of the sniper Vahosh Ali Khamenei on the roof of the buildings

Friday, February 24
#iran_wake up

Now it's #galicish
During the uprising of the Galikash people of Golestan province came to the streets in support of Maulana Gergij and in solidarity with the people of Zahedan and in support of Maulana Abdul Hamid.


#zahedan, the fifth of March

The brave people of Balochistan came to the streets again in the fifth month of the revolution #zen_zandagi_azadi and chanted slogans against the Islamic Republic and Ali Khamenei.

The demand of the Iranian people is:
The Islamic Republic must go.


Now #zahedan
#iran_wake up

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