#sapidh_moafi, an Iranian-American actress, appeared in a dress designed by Amir Taghi, an Iranian-American designer, at the 80th Golden Globe Awards ceremony. The remarkable part of the design of this dress is a big red anemone flower with the names of those killed in the recent Iranian protests engraved on its petals


“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the woman who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express her opinions courageously and honestly.” Albert Einstein


Afghan mother and child sit in the harsh winter waiting and hoping for bread. Millions are facing famine and #afghanwomen are banned from working and getting an education. The lack of media coverage is appalling. We cannot and will not abandon our sisters in Afghanistan.


Actor and activist
@SepidehMoafi honored protesters in #iran with her 2023
@goldenglobes gown designed in collaboration with House of Milad and Amir Taghi
The rosette bears the name of those killed during the most recent revolution.
#iranrevolution #iranprotests

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tom wilson changed his profile cover
2 yrs

tom wilson changed his profile picture
2 yrs

Henry Watson changed his profile picture
2 yrs

nutja2233 changed his profile picture
2 yrs
