This brave athlete, #sahandnoormohammadzadeh, a protester arrested recently, is in imminent danger of execution. He’s been transferred to the solitary confinement at Rajai-Shahr prison. His crime? He was seen kicking a garbage bin twice during protests


The islamist regime in Iran has sentenced doctor #hamidgharehhasanlou to death. He’s innocent and has done nothing to deserve death. Physicians of the world are trying to save him. Please help us save him from execution.


We the people of Iran are wounded but unbowed. With or without the help of the world, we will get rid of out gender apartheid regime but with the support of the West, less people would get killed. We don’t want the West to save us but we want them to stop saving our oppressors.


Vancouver, thousands of people shout against IR's barbaric regime and asked the government for freezing their accounts and blocking their assets!


Protestors make their mark earlier today in New York outside the residence of the ambassador of the Islamic Republic to the United Nations. #mahsaamini

San Marco- #venice #italy
In November, a fowler catches birds. This was done by spreading birdlime, a viscous substance, on trees, and snatching the birds when they landed and got stuck. Some birds are in the bag he holds in his proper left hand.


🇮🇹 Ortigia, Siracusa, Sicilia
📷 Marcolino Discover


توقعات باستمرار هطول الأمطار بغزارة على عدد من المحافظات في #سلطنة_عمان.. وتحذيرات من جريان الأودية والشعاب


مشاهد من منطقة سوق السيب في #مسقط بعد هطول أمطار غزيرة اليوم

احتفالات في #سلطنة_عمان بفوز
#منتخب_المغرب على #البرتغال والتأهل لنصف نهائي #كأس_العالم_٢٠٢٢