This is powerful! From Oscar winners to Iranian legends, amazing conscious Hollywood actors and actresses stand in solidarity with the Iranian people and say: “Women, Life, Freedom.”
#mahsaamini #iranprotests2022

Inspired by the “femininity and bravery” of Iranian women, Tim Fu designed this sculptural monument for a square in Iran— in the post-Islamic Republic Iran. Breathtaking!


These security forces who are fighting people on the streets act like thugs. This is an example. This is what people have been enduring for many years. That’s how the Islamic Republic responds when ppl demand accountability.
#mahsaamini #مهسا_امینی

روزنامه کوریره دلاسرا، پر تیراژترین روزنامه ایتالیا در صفحه اول خود عکس و ماجرای دردناک #نیکا_شاکرمی را منتشر کرد.
Corriere de la Sera, the most widely circulated newspaper in Italy published the photo and painful story of #Nika_Shakerami on its front page


نامه بهشت‌زهرای تهران که به دست بی‌بی‌سی فارسی رسیده علت فوت #نیکا_شاکرمی را «صدمات متعدد ناشی از اصابت جسم سخت» عنوان کرده است.
The letter of Behesht Zahra of Tehran, which was received by BBC Farsi, stated that the cause of death of #Nika_Shakerami was "multiple injuries caused by being hit by a hard object


Tunisian musician
dedicated a song to #mahsaamini at her concert in Tunis. Emel’s “protest song ‘Kelmti Horra,’ became an anthem for the Tunisian revolution and the Arab spring.” Beautiful. Powerful. Thank you 🇹🇳. #iranprotests2022 #مهسا_امینی

Inhuman treatment of schoolgirls by the thugs of the Islamic Republic. No wonder they want you go!
#mahsaamini #مهسا_امینی #iranprotests2022

In response to schoolgirls' protests, school authorities invite a paramilitary Basij force to speak with them. They chant: “Get lost, Basiji.” The fury and defiance in this video speak for itself.
#mahsaamini #مهسا_امینی #iranprotests

لعنت بهت جمهوری اسلامی، چه کردید با این دختر؟
پر از شور و امید؛ امید به روزی که شما گم شید و این نسل بتونه آینده رو بسازه
دوست پسر #نیکا_شاکرمی با انتشار این ویدئو از آخرین روزهای باهم بودن نوشته:
'حتی نمیذارن استوری بذارم، این فیلم بماند تا موقعی که زنده هستم'
Damn you Islamic Republic, what did you do to this girl
full of passion and hope; Hope for the day when you are lost and this generation can build the future
The boyfriend of #Nika_Shakerami wrote
"They don't even let me post a story, this movie will stay as long as I'm alive

Powerful! While twirling their scarves in the air, three women install a banner on a bridge in Isfahan, an illustration of Iran today, that says, "The next one is one of us." #mahsaamini #مهسا_امینی #iranprotests2022