اتحادمان باعث شکست دشمن خواهد شد
به عقب راندن نیروهای سرکوبگر توسط جوانان معترض. سه راه ادب #سنندج
شنبه ۱۶ مهر ۱۴۰۱
Our union will defeat the enemy

Pushing back the repressive forces by protesting youth. Three ways of politeness #sanandaj
Saturday 16 October 1401

# Nationwide strikes
#we will not stay at home

ناصرخسرو هم اومد وسط. جایی که روز عادی پلیس جرات نداشت وارد شه
Naser Khosro also came to the middle. where the police did not dare to enter on a normal day

فردیس کرج ۱۶ مهر ۱۴۰۱
Fardis Karaj, 16 Mehr 1401

#فوری 16 مهر
تهران بازار #مهساامینی‌
Urgent 16 Mehr
#mahsa_amini Bazaar, Tehran

Look at this beautiful teenage girl, full of life, singing with @Hozier 's "Take Me to Church". The Islamic Republic killed her in the protests following #MahsaAmini's murder. She only wanted to live a free life as a young woman. Say her name: #sarinaesmailzadeh

This was one of the most powerful performances I have seen!
It seems to sink to the bottom of your soul and make you angry
#mahsa_amini #nika_shakermi

Terrible! A woman got shot in Mashhad. The regime in sea violence intimidates people but keeps inflaming the protests. The constant use of excessive force to disperse protesters is a crime.
#mahsaamini #iranprotests

جوازدفن موکلم #محمدرضا_سروری ، نوجوان ۱۴ساله که با گلوله دراعتراضات کشته شده است فردا اعلام نکنید خودکشی کرده یا بعلت بیماری قبلی بوده ، علت فوت اصابت جسم پرتابه ای پرشتاب (گلوله) و خونریزی و له شدگی مغز
Burial permit of my client #mohammadreza_sarori, a 14-year-old teenager who was killed by a bullet during the protests. Do not announce tomorrow that he committed suicide or was due to a previous illness. The cause of death was hit by a high-velocity projectile (bullet) and bleeding and crushed brain


#Iran's revolution; Iranians are confronting the so-called security forces of the Islamic Republic. A man in Tehran tells the people: The mercenaries who came to brutally suppress the protesters are running away
The man shouts: "All the oppressors have fled." # Mahsa Amini






#قيام_سراسرى؛ قیام مردم #اراک، ۱۶ مهر
#qiyam_sarasari; Uprising of #arak people, 16 Mehr